Thursday, October 16, 2008


BLUE relates to self expression. Speech, communication, the ability to communicate our needs and requirements. Spirit of truth and purpose. There's are some positive and negative of the BLUE colour. positive aspects from this colour can be loyalty,tactful,trustworthy and peaceful. negative aspect from this colour are unfaithful, untrustworthy, self-righteous and cold. BLUE Calming, relaxing and healing. Not as sedating as INDIGO.
Campared to INDIGO it relates to self responsibility, that is to say, being responsible for one's own life, responsibility to oneself to follow the soul's path and needs and trusting one's own intuition. The ability to see things from a higher viewpoint rather than purely for satisfaction of the ego or one's material comfort. Positive aspect from this colour can be highly intuitive, faithful, sense of unity, fearless, devotion to duty, articulate and practical idealist. Negative aspect from this colour are separateness, fearful, intolerant, impractical, inconsiderate, and depressed easily. Indigo is a sedative and it helps to open up our intuition. The colour of divine knowledge and the higher mind. Some people find indigo is helpful for studying so this colour could be used as part of the decor of a library or study.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Education enhances the ability of households to manage health problems, improve nutrition and childcare, and plan for the future. Basic education provides girls and women with a greater understanding of basic health, nutrition and family planning, as well as of their own potential.
Educated women marry later, have fewer children and receive better prenatal care.Children of mothers who have been to school are healthier, better nourished and more likely to attend and succeed in school than children of mothers who have never gone to school.
Education helps to prevent the labour, trafficking and sexual exploitation of children, and their use as soldiers. It is one of the most effective weapons against HIV/AIDS and other diseases, and raises awareness of living conditions and environmental protection. Life expectancy rises by as much as 2 years for every 1 per cent increase in literacy.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Eyes wide spaced
When eyes are too wide spced from the top of nose, inside niches you should paint more darkly than outside. Accent should go to a moving part of a upper eyelid. You sholud paint dark marks with your eyepencil on a upper and lower eyelids, along eyelashes and in inside of your eyelid, by making a strong line from inside niches to the half of a length of an eye. By using eyelash mascara curl your eyelashes strongly to the upper side.
Eyes close spaced
Eyes looks like they were pieceing together at the top of a nose. To spread them up optically, inside part of your eyelids sholul be lighten with eyeshadows and outside part dimmed quite intensivelly. The darker eyeshadow put on a one third of a length of a moving parts of your eyelid. Along lower and upper eyelashes paint lines reaching to the same piont as the dark eyeshadow. Eyelashes curl with by using eyelashes mascara.
Eyes deep set
These kind of eyes usually look like tired. To stop them looking like that, the only thing you should do is to make them look brighten. The moving parts of your eyelids paint with a very light, white or beige, eyeshadows. On the middle of it put more shiny kind of an eyeshadow. On curves put some dimmed eyeshadow. To make your eyelashes look thicker, paint between them dots by using grey or light brown eyepencil. On the inside part of a lower eyelid paint white lines. Curl strongly your eyelashes.
Convex eyelids
To make your eyelids smaller and less convex you should paint lines around them by using dark eyepencil. Also by using dark eyepencil you should darken your inside edge of the lower eyelids. To moving parts of upper ones put dark eyeshadow steady and the most strongly in the outside niches. Non moving parts of your eyelids you can lighten a little bit under your eyebrow curve. Eyelashes curl gently by using eyelashes masacara, so they look naturally.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


It seems unfairly menacing that a snake that can literally "stand up" and look a full-grown person in the eye would also be among the most venomous on the planet, but that describes the famous king cobra.King cobras can reach 18 feet (5.5 meters) in length, making them the longest of all venomous snakes. When confronted, they can raise up to one-third of their bodies straight off the ground and still move forward to attack. They will also flare out their iconic hoods and emit a bone-chilling hiss that sounds almost like a growling dog.Their venom is not the most potent among venomous snakes, but the amount of neurotoxin they can deliver in a single bite—up to two-tenths of a fluid ounce (seven milliliters)—is enough to kill 20 people, or even an elephant. Fortunately, king cobras are shy and will avoid humans whenever possible, but they are fiercely aggressive when cornered.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Many people do not wear seat belts. Not wearing a seat belt is dangerous. People who wear seat belts are less likely to die in car accidents. In most states, the law says young children must be in car seats. Car seats must be used until the child is four years old. The car seat should be put in the back seat of the car. The law also says that people in the front seat must wear seat belts. Children between the ages of four to fifteen are often killed in car accidents. Children over age are too big for car seats. But they are sometimes too little for seat belts. Seat belts may not fit them well. Children ages four to eight need booster seats. Booster seats help seat belts fit children properly. Children who are not wearing seat belts can be thrown from cars. This kill them. Remember that seat belts save lives. Parents have the choice of wearing seat belts. Children are too young to make that choice. Make sure your children are in the car seats and seat belts. It is the law and it will save their lives,

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I forget how good of a show this is. I normally don't watch it that much because they actually show people practicing their addictions. I saw it one time and was so tripped out that i had to talk to a whole bunch of friends before I chilled out. Anyway, I just finished watching an episode and it's the closest I've gotten to crying as of recent meaning since last month; I have a propensity to cry right before... that time. Since that time started today, I thought I was home free but the show kind a touched a nerve.Anyway, I recommend it if you're in the mood for something kind a dark and serious, but inspirational.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



Most people have less time to select, prepare and eat food than their grandparents did. Fast food are very appealing because are widely available and inexpensive. While convenient and economical for a busy lifestyle, fast food are typically high in calories, sugar, and salts. One disadvantage of a "fast food" lifestyle is it causes many health problems including heart disease, strokes, and stomach disorders. In addition, most fast food is so heavily processed, it has lost its real flavour. Instead, flavour is added to the food by factories which can conjure the aromas of onions and grilled burgers by dipping a paper filter into a test tube.