Thursday, October 16, 2008


BLUE relates to self expression. Speech, communication, the ability to communicate our needs and requirements. Spirit of truth and purpose. There's are some positive and negative of the BLUE colour. positive aspects from this colour can be loyalty,tactful,trustworthy and peaceful. negative aspect from this colour are unfaithful, untrustworthy, self-righteous and cold. BLUE Calming, relaxing and healing. Not as sedating as INDIGO.
Campared to INDIGO it relates to self responsibility, that is to say, being responsible for one's own life, responsibility to oneself to follow the soul's path and needs and trusting one's own intuition. The ability to see things from a higher viewpoint rather than purely for satisfaction of the ego or one's material comfort. Positive aspect from this colour can be highly intuitive, faithful, sense of unity, fearless, devotion to duty, articulate and practical idealist. Negative aspect from this colour are separateness, fearful, intolerant, impractical, inconsiderate, and depressed easily. Indigo is a sedative and it helps to open up our intuition. The colour of divine knowledge and the higher mind. Some people find indigo is helpful for studying so this colour could be used as part of the decor of a library or study.

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