Monday, October 13, 2008


Eyes wide spaced
When eyes are too wide spced from the top of nose, inside niches you should paint more darkly than outside. Accent should go to a moving part of a upper eyelid. You sholud paint dark marks with your eyepencil on a upper and lower eyelids, along eyelashes and in inside of your eyelid, by making a strong line from inside niches to the half of a length of an eye. By using eyelash mascara curl your eyelashes strongly to the upper side.
Eyes close spaced
Eyes looks like they were pieceing together at the top of a nose. To spread them up optically, inside part of your eyelids sholul be lighten with eyeshadows and outside part dimmed quite intensivelly. The darker eyeshadow put on a one third of a length of a moving parts of your eyelid. Along lower and upper eyelashes paint lines reaching to the same piont as the dark eyeshadow. Eyelashes curl with by using eyelashes mascara.
Eyes deep set
These kind of eyes usually look like tired. To stop them looking like that, the only thing you should do is to make them look brighten. The moving parts of your eyelids paint with a very light, white or beige, eyeshadows. On the middle of it put more shiny kind of an eyeshadow. On curves put some dimmed eyeshadow. To make your eyelashes look thicker, paint between them dots by using grey or light brown eyepencil. On the inside part of a lower eyelid paint white lines. Curl strongly your eyelashes.
Convex eyelids
To make your eyelids smaller and less convex you should paint lines around them by using dark eyepencil. Also by using dark eyepencil you should darken your inside edge of the lower eyelids. To moving parts of upper ones put dark eyeshadow steady and the most strongly in the outside niches. Non moving parts of your eyelids you can lighten a little bit under your eyebrow curve. Eyelashes curl gently by using eyelashes masacara, so they look naturally.

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